Studio Morphogenesis Ltd.
Studio Morphogenesis Ltd. is an architectural consultancy firm based in Dhaka, Bangladesh. This collaborative studio was founded in 2014 by a dynamic group of architects having specialized experiences and interests encompassing wide spectrum of built and natural environment. Four architects of diversified background, Shahla Karim Kabir, Suvro Sovon Chowdhury, Minhaz Bin Gaffar and Saiqa Iqbal Meghna came into a collaboration and a Studio of shared creativity was born with an intent to design and build things that will stand as examples of living in tropical climate of the monsoon delta while simultaneously responding to the rapidly changing needs and desires of the society. The founders involve themselves in a constant search for a true sense of architecture and beyond that embraces the age-old wisdom of the land and transcends it into contemporary architecture and urban issues through a research-oriented studio culture. Within a short span of time, the firm has created a wide range of successful projects including residential, commercial, industrial, civic with urban-scale landscape and public projects in the pipeline. They have been awarded several accolades for their highly creative and responsive works and their works are being published in national and international platforms.
The firm inclines towards unconventional, experimental yet responsive works and believes on collaboration, discussion and interactive association. By carefully observing and skillfully stimulating the socio-cultural impacts Studio Morphogenesis architects engage themselves in a ‘morphogenetic’ process that embraces the ethos of cultural continuity combined with new thoughts and technologies to develop an aesthetics of perpetual.